Conditions of Use
- SMRC authorises the erection of banners promoting events or matters of public interest, which are not considered advertising by private interest or political statements.
- Banners may be removed at any time at the discretion of Council.
- The banner may be displayed for a primary period of up to one week (7 days). If the banner is requested for more than a period of one week (7 days) this may be granted at the discretion of staff and provided that no other request is forthcoming.
- The banner may not exceed the following size restrictions:
- Cooma: No larger than 0.8 metres in height and 5 metres in length
- Jindabyne: No larger than 0.6 metres in height and 6 metres in length
- Banners must be in good condition (no tears or rips). Eyelets are required in each corner and the banner must have wind holes for adequate airflow through the banner to avoid damage.
- It is the responsibility of the applicant to maintain the banner in a safe condition during the period of display. Please notify Council immediately if you notice any issues.
- All banners will be erected by Council. Your banner should be delivered to either the Cooma Visitors Centre (Cooma banner space) or Jindabyne Council office (Jindabyne banner space) within the week prior to your booking to ensure it is installed on time.
- Public liability insurance cover for a minimum of $20M, noting Snowy Monaro Regional Council as an interested party, is required for the full duration of the display. Council must receive a copy of the insurance policy prior to the installation of the banner.
- The banner will only be displayed during the times and dates noted in the confirmation letter.
- The scheduled fees and charges apply for a weekly booking or part thereof.
- Your banner must be collected within two weeks from the end of the display period, or upon agreement with Council.
- SMRC is not responsible for any damage incurred to banners during the display period, installation or removal.
- The submission of a booking request and its subsequent approval and payment, constitutes a hire agreement under which Council agrees with the Hirer to the hire and use of the identified facility for the purpose indicated on the date or dates and at the times referred to in the booking application and are subject to the terms and conditions set out below.
- All bookings are at the discretion of the facility management committee and Snowy Monaro Regional Council. Bookings including any cancellation fees are set by the Snowy Monaro Regional Council’s adopted annual fees and charges.
- Cancellations and Refunds
- Cancellation by Client
- Where Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges identifies a booking deposit is required to secure a booking and the Hirer cancels the booking less than 90 days prior to event commencement, Council will retain the deposit as a cancellation fee where a deposit is required as part of the agreement.
- For seasonal ongoing bookings, where an organisation chooses, at its own discretion, not to utilise the facility on one or more of the booked occurrences, those unused periods shall still be a chargeable under the hire agreement.
- Refer to clause 3.d for terms under force majeure.
- Cancellation by Council
- Council may at any time before the function, cancel the hire of the facility by giving written notice of such cancellation to the Hirer.
- If Council cancels the hire pursuant to this clause 3.b, all monies paid will be returned to the Hirer.
- Council is not liable to the Hirer for any loss or damage suffered by the Hirer as a result of such cancellation.
- Termination for Breach
- If, at any time, the Hirer is in breach of a material term of these conditions, Council may, at it’s absolute discretion cancel the hire of the facility by giving written notice of such cancellation to the Hirer.
- Should the hire of the facility be cancelled pursuant to this clause 3.c, the full facility hire amount specified in the invoice issued in relation to the hire agreement shall be payable by the Hirer.
- Force Majeure
- Where either party is rendered unable, wholly or in part by force majeure to carry out its obligations under this Agreement, then this shall not affect the operation of the terms of this hire agreement and the risk of frustration is to be borne by the Hirer.
- Events affected by force majeure whilst underway will be liable for the fees and charges as set out in the hire agreement.
- The term “force majeure” means an act of God, a strike, lockout, act of public enemy, civil commotion, war, blockade, riot, state of emergency, lightning, fire, storm, flood, washout, explosion, pandemic, Government restraint, or any form of Governmental intervention (including where the event arises as a result of action taken by the organisation as the relevant statutory authority) and any other cause which is not within the control of the party alleging it.
- All registered clubs, incorporated organisations or commercial enterprises hiring Council facilities, must provide a copy of their Certificate of Insurance for Public Liability (Minimum $20 million). Please upload your Certificate of Currency indicating a minimum of $20M level of Public Liability Insurance Coverage. Public Liability Insurance must name Snowy Monaro Regional Council as an 'Interested Party' and state the purpose/activity for which you are booking the facility for which is valid for the duration of the booking including setup and pack-down times.
- The facilities are to be opened and closed by a responsible person and keys returned immediately after the period of allocation. Keys are not to be copied and all keys or locks lost or damaged are to be paid for by the user.
- The Applicant or Organisation will be the responsible party to inspect the facility/ ground, structures, for safety prior to the commencement use. Sporting bodies are responsible for making all pre-practice and pre-game inspections and decisions regarding the ground’s fitness for use. A refundable key deposit is required as per fees and charges.
- Any unsafe facilities/grounds/ structures should be reported to Snowy Monaro Regional Council in writing as soon as possible. Facility use should not commence until any risks have been suitably managed.
- Sportsgrounds/Showgrounds/ parks are not to be used if saturated, if it is considered that undue damage could be caused to the playing surface.
- Council reserves the right to close the sportsground or facility in the event of bad weather, poor conditions, or where excessive damage is likely to be caused to playing areas. It is the responsibility of the user to ascertain from Council the extent of such prohibition.
- No unauthorised vehicles are to be driven on the grounds of sports fields, showgrounds, parks or reserves.
- The area and facilities are to be left clean and tidy. If included as part of the booking, crockery and/or kitchens to be cleaned, dried and packed away at the conclusion of the booking/each booking if reservations are repetitive. Tables and chairs to be packed away. BBQ’s to be cleaned. Failure to do so will invoke a charge for cleaning. The User is to remove all excess rubbish. Where available, all large receptacles are to be wheeled and placed at designated collection point.
- All damage to the sportsground/ facility/ structure caused by the user is the responsibility of the user and will be charged thereto. Any damage that occurs during a booking must be immediately reported to Council.
- The facility committee or Snowy Monaro Regional Council reserves the right to cancel any booking. If this action is taken, the committee and Snowy Monaro Regional Council will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the cancellation.
- Any sale or provision of alcohol at the venue is only permitted if all relevant approvals from Council, the NSW Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing and the NSW Police. The onus is on the User to ensure related legislated requirements are understood and met.
- Smoking is not allowed inside or within 10 metres of any Council building or Sportsground.
- Removal of waste from the location is to be conducted by event organisers/ applicant or organisation. Additional waste services can be applied for allowing a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice, using the online application form Are you having an Event in the Snowing Monaro Region? | Snowy Monaro Regional Council or by contacting Lorinda Coulton, Council’s Resource and Waste section on 6455 1920.
- If adequate waste management is not undertaken, Council will charge the event organisers for the disposal of rubbish.
- Please see the Landfills and Transfer Stations pamphlet for available tips and opening times Landfill Disposal Fees and Charges 2021 - 2022 | Snowy Monaro Regional Council
- In accordance with Council’s adopted Fees and Charges, a fee will be charged per set (a set being a waste bin plus a recycling bin) for any additional units required for your event. If using a private provider for the management of waste, a Section 68 Approval will need to be submitted.
- To make a booking you must Register as an Individual or Organisation
- Organisations will need to upload Public Liability Insurance Documentation ($20M), Business/Club registration and COVID plans.
- Council’s decision is final regarding the allocation of facilities.
- Staff will be in attendance daily between 8-8.30am and 4-4.30pm.
For emergencies outside these hours you can call the after-hours mobile number: - Bombala: 0488 257 928
- Delegate: 0447 151 228
- Nimmitabel: 0436 806 817
- Payment can be made by cash or card at time of arrival at the park or by card through the online booking system (arriving late 2021).
- Snowy Monaro Regional Council do not accept bookings from persons under the age of 18 years of age. All guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult such as a parent or guardian. We reserve the right to cancel any reservation where this condition is not met.
- Departure time is strictly 10am. This gives us time to prepare for the next guests.
- Please respect all guests’ right to enjoy peace and quiet and keep noise to a minimum between 10pm and 7am.
- In the event of an emergency, guests and residents are required to follow the directives of park management and emergency services.
- Parking for one car per site or cabin is provided. Please contain your vehicles within your allocated parking. For additional cars, please speak to the staff on duty and they will provide you with direction.
- Whilst travelling on our park roads please look out for our junior guests on foot, bikes, scooters or playing. In particular ensure you observe our walking pace or 10km speed limit
- Pushbikes and scooters are welcome. Children using these must be supervised at all times. Helmets must be worn. Only daylight riding permitted; no riding any bikes, scooters, or skateboards after sunset.
- If you have a pet staying with you, please clean up after them, keep them on a lead whilst walking, under your control at all times & adhere to our pet code of conduct.
- Open fires are permitted in designated areas. There will be days, particularly in summer, where the fire rating for the day will prohibit open fires. This will apply at our campgrounds and parks also.
- No Smoking is permitted in communal areas including amenities, office and camp kitchen.
- Please seal all garbage bags and place them within the bins provided. We are proud of our environment, please use the recycle bins provided.
- We try to discourage any theft, so please lock up & stow all your valuables. Any monies or other valuables, goods or vehicles that belong to you, brought in or on to the park (including any car park facilities) remain your responsibility and we are not responsible for their safekeeping.
- Anyone engaging in the use of illegal drugs, threatening or violent behaviour, smoking in communal zones or cabins, or bringing in unregistered overnight guests will be asked to leave and will forfeit any payments made.
- ALL children under 10 years of age must be actively supervised by a person 16 years or older.
Active supervision means: - Be Prepared: Ensure you have everything you need before getting into the water, such as towels and dry clothes.
- Be Close: Always be within arm’s reach of your child.
- All of Your Attention: Focus all of your attention on your child and get into the pool and talk and play with them.
- All of the Time: You should never leave your child alone in the water, nor should they be left in the care of an older child with the assumption that your responsibility diminishes due to the presence of lifeguards.
- All aquatic patrons are to wear approved bathing attire. T-shirts and street clothing are not permitted bathing attire. Patrons are requested to wear bathing attire that will not offend other bathers (i.e., swimwear that is too revealing).
- Anyone attending the facility and not swimming will be required to pay a spectator fee.
- No pulling or sitting on lane ropes.
- Alcohol and persons under the influence are not permitted in the pool or its surrounds.
- Glass or breakable items are not permitted in the facility.
- Smoking within the building or in its surrounds is not permitted.
- Running, rough play, bombing, profanity and anti-social behaviour is prohibited. Spitting and spouting of water from the mouth is not permitted.
- Service animals only. No animals or pets allowed.
- Children who are not toilet trained must wear swim nappies.
- No cameras or phones in the amenities.
- Skateboards, skates, rollerblades, scooters, bicycles, and similar equipment are not permitted.
- Please secure your personal belongings. Management is not responsible for loss or damage to property.
- Persons with stomach illnesses, digestive disorders, open cuts, sores, skin, eye, or respiratory infections are prohibited from using the aquatic facilities.
- Any person destroying property, equipment, risking the safety of others, or found in breach of these conditions will be asked to leave the facility.
- Patrons are asked to comply with facility rules and directions of staff at all times. Failure to comply with these conditions of entry may result in the individual or group being refused entry or being asked to leave. Refunding of any money will be refused.
- Management reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone. These terms and conditions may change at any time without notice.
- Patrons are to follow directions of staff. In case of an emergency evacuation, staff will assist patrons to the evacuation point.
- Failure to comply with this notice is an offence under the Local Government Act 1993.